Právě stavíme - divize Pozemní stavby Čechy

Kolín, Car plant TPCA - technology

Kolín, Car plant TPCA - technology


After a quarterly sharp run the car plant TPCA, a joint plant of Toyota and group PSA Peugeot Citroën,  was ceremonially opened in Ovčáry, Kolín region.

Kaplice, Assembly and storage hall  D+G Elektrik Kaplice

Kaplice, Assembly and storage hall D+G Elektrik Kaplice


A new assembly and storage hall C has been constructed in Kaplice, South Bohemia, at the facility of D+G Elektrik Kaplice.

Dukovany, Burnt-out fuel storehouse in Nuclear Power Plant

Dukovany, Burnt-out fuel storehouse in Nuclear Power Plant


The nuclear waste storage facility is an individually standing building that will serve as a storage area for the required number of containers.

Mohelnice, New production plant

Mohelnice, New production plant


A new Siemens production plant was currently erected in Mohelnice.

Lukavec, Annex building to storage and shipment hall

Lukavec, Annex building to storage and shipment hall


V Lukavci u Pacova vzniká nový sklad pro Dřevozpracující družstvo Lukavec.

Votice, Strom Telecom Factory Building

Votice, Strom Telecom Factory Building


A new factory building is being erected in Votice for STROM Telecom, the developer. The main aim of the construction is to build a production hall and dispatch area on the ground floor, as well as a main store that is to be situated upstairs above the production hall.

České Velenice, Welding hall annex Magna Cartech

České Velenice, Welding hall annex Magna Cartech


In the industrial zone - business park in České Velenice, construction of a welding hall annex inclusive external facilities was completed for the company Magna Cartech in four months.

Teplice, Construction of the Knauf Insulation Production Works

Teplice, Construction of the Knauf Insulation Production Works


Construction on the Knauf Insulation production works has started in the industrial estate in Krupka, Teplice district. A complex of structures is being developed on an L shaped plot encompassed by park and garden landscaping.

Pilsen, Production unit GHP Direct Mail Radčice

Pilsen, Production unit GHP Direct Mail Radčice


The new production unit has been constructed on a green field site in close vicinity to existing production premises of the developer.

České Budějovice, Robert Bosch Manufacturing Hall and Logistics Centre

České Budějovice, Robert Bosch Manufacturing Hall and Logistics Centre


ROBERT BOSCH can manufacture car spares again

Zásmuky, Production and warehouse hall Hügli

Zásmuky, Production and warehouse hall Hügli


The range of goods by Hügli Food s.r.o. is produced and stored in production and storage halls that have been previously built for them by our company.

Lety near Řevnice, Administrative and warehouse hall Scandecor

Lety near Řevnice, Administrative and warehouse hall Scandecor


In Lety near Řevnice the one-storeyed administrative and storage hall was built for Scanedecor CZ, a private investor dealing in photographic material and accessories.

Mladá Boleslav, Logistic centre construction

Mladá Boleslav, Logistic centre construction


A new logistic center will rise at the southern edge of Mladá Boleslav by the district Bezděčín, in the western zone. The current investment plan for the centre consists of four halls with administrative areas, reception, local access and grounds roads and the technical infrastructure.

Tábor, Construction of boiler house of Heating plant Tábor

Tábor, Construction of boiler house of Heating plant Tábor


In the place of the old boiler house there will be a new object constructed for placing the boiler on a reinforced concrete foundation slab based by reinforced concrete piles down to the depth of approximately 7 m.

Hněvkovice, Waterwork

Hněvkovice, Waterwork


Hněvkovice-Kořensko belong to a group of waterworks, the purpose of which is to supply technological water for the work of the Nuclear Power Plant Temelín.