Service portfolio
Residential projects
Tursko, Family houses and duplex houses
Budoucí obytný komplex se nachází na okraji obce Tursko, vzdálené 15 km od Prahy, směrem na Kralupy nad Vltavou. Pozemky navazují na zástavbu stávajících rodinných domů, v blízkosti lesa a těsném dosahu příjezdové komunikace.
Kamenný Újezd, Nursing Home
The building consists of 14 dwelling units – 12 bed-sitting rooms and 2 apartments consisting of one room and a kitchen. Further, the structure contains a lounge, an office and a store-room for the attendant, sanitary facilities and a drying room.
Tábor, G-Centrum Nursing Home
G-centrum is a building designed for elderly people with a capacity for 120 inmates accommodated in up-to-date 48 single and 36 double bedrooms where they will be provided with comprehensive care
Netolice, Home for the elderly
The new building of the home for the elderly is linked with the existing nursing home. The building is divided into two basic wings forming an angle and connected by a structure which houses an elevator and a staircase.
Commercial and administrative
Reconstruction of Straka’s Academy
Pilsen, Resuscitation Department
Ecological and water management
Industrial projects
České Budějovice, Reconstruction and Completion of R. Bosch Factory
Construction of two production halls with a floor plan 50 by 118 m and 90 by 90 m, and reconstruction of two warehouses with an area of 3,700 sq.m, with the completion of external distribution systems, a road, fencing and landscaping.
Choustník, Warehouse and dispatch hall, Bohemia Chips
A single-aisle, two-storey ferroconcrete structure with built-in sanitary facilities was used in the construction of the warehouse and dispatch hall. The dimensions of the hall are 60 by 24 metres.
Transport and pipeline
Tvrdošín, R3 Expressway
Nymburk, Pedestrian footbridge