Press centre
16.8.2005 - The imminent construction of a new ice stadium in Česká Třebová by HOCHTIEF VSB
Commencement on the first stage of the ice stadium in Česká Třebová has been planned for September 2005, with the city of Česká Třebová as the developer and HOCHTIEF VSB, Division 8, Ostrava branch, as the general contractor.
26.7.2005 - Prague Tests Anti-Flood Measures
In the vulnerable areas of the capital city, a special exercise, entitled Voda 2005, was conducted over the weekend of 22 to 24 July 2005. During this exercise, all of those anti-flood devices which have thus far been installed and accepted by the City were erected on both banks of the Vltava.
13.7.2005 - HOCHTIEF VSB finalizes the new embarkation Finger “C” at the Prague Ruzyně Airport ahead of the planned schedule
On June 29th, 2005 the final inspection and passing of the fist part of Terminal North 2, the co-called Finger “C” took place. It is thus realistic to say that the request of the investor – Czech Airport Administration – will be fulfilled and the object will start serving passengers in the beginning of September.
12.7.2005 - HOCHTIEF VSB became a partner to the project Petr Parléř Award
The construction company HOCHTIEF VSB joined the 3rd year of the architectonic contest Petr Parléř Award. As one of the prosperous companies it realizes its social responsibility and supports interesting cultural and social events.