Since the mentioned test, which went well, the ski complex has been in operation. The skiers can take advantage of not only the modern ski lift with increased capacity, but also the new conveniences – sanitary facilities, snack bar, ski equipment hire, servicing, maintenance of the ski slope with the snow plough and 105 parking spaces right in the complex. At the top of the ski lift it is possible to join the local cross-country skiing tracks with the starting point in the cross-country ski complex Na Horách. And if, after all, the snow starts to run low, the snow making equipment can help.
The completed construction was taken over by the investor – Town Česká Třebová – on November 30th of the last year from the general contractor HOCHTIEF CZ, the joint stock company. On Tuesday, January 30th, the construction was ceremoniously opened in the presence of investor´s representatives, the contractor and other guests.
The ski slope with evening lighting is circa 800 m long and circa 70 m wide. The anchor lift with 147 m rise has the capacity of 1206 people per hour and is equipped by hydrodynamic traction drags. The complex is connected to the camera system of the company SITOUR Praha, so the skiing public has access to the up-to-date information about the local weather and snow conditions. For more information you can have a look at