Since last October, the one-storeyed administrative and storage hall is being built here for Scanedecor CZ, a private investor dealing in photographic material and accessories. In charge of the project is František Filec Jr. as the Site Manager. The investment volume amounted to CZK 13 million.
The total built-up area of the object comprises 800 m2, of which the administrative part takes approx. 190 m2. The new hall will have dimensions of approx. 33x24 m and an enclosure of 5,270 m3. There will be ten parking lots available for both employees and business partners coming from more distant villages and towns.
Reinforced concrete foundation plate with footings and strips will be protected by a timber roof truss. We used Alkorplan membrane as roofing material and 400 mm thick POROTHERM for external cladding. The wire mesh fencing with plastic coating shall protect the hall against thieves.
The project shall be completed and handed over to the investor in June this year.