Taking part in the ceremonious handover was the mayoress of town Říčany, Adriena Mrázová, who expressed the appreciation for the short time the reconstruction took. She recognized not only the speed, but also the outstanding cooperation and communication with the contractor. She also informed the guests, that the school would need other finances to carry out the reconstruction of the inside area and asked the schoolmistress, Marie Lejčková, to make the project her own.
The director of the Division Prague of joint stock company HOCHTIEF CZ, Rudolf Hankovec, thanked the investor for the interesting construction opportunity and showed certainty, that both pupils and the teachers will feel comfortable in the new surroundings.
The reconstruction started on September 14th and was supposed to be finished by the end of the year. Říčany received the finished work ahead of time.
The elementary school didn’t meet requirements for the smooth operation anymore, so it had to be reconstructed. Particularly the gyms and the loft area that was to be turned into the afterschool club. The whole complex received a new insulated façade, new windows and the new roofing on all the school buildings. The loft extension of four rooms for the afterschool club will allow freeing of the classrooms. They were also not suitable for spending the children’s time outside learning.
Part of the reconstruction was the work on the school gym – replacing of the windows, laying the new floors and repair of the plaster. In future the windows won’t be used for airing the gym. Instead the new ventilation system and air-conditioning, connected also to changing rooms and sanitary facilities. In connection with that there’s been also a complete refurbishment of electric installation and lighting.
The school remained in full operation during the reconstruction. The construction activities and the site installation had to be adjusted to that. Apart from the loft, where the old and unneeded teaching aids had to be cleared out, the site installation was placed in adjacent part of the school garden. Also the transport of the material took place mainly outside the building. The whole site was secured to prevent the children’s injuries.