HOCHTIEF VSB is going to restore the roads, pavements and access roads, sewerage and water pipes in Řevnice. The project investor is the municipality of Řevnice. However, 80 per cent of the project costs will be received from the European Union via the Phare project, supporting the business infrastructure development.
The project is executed by the Division 5, managed by the site manager František Filec Jr. Within the scope of restoration, the existing roads will be modified and brand new roads will be constructed that will lead, for example, towards the garages and other facilities. A part of the building facilities has already been occupied by companies. It is presumed that the vacant spaces will be offered to other persons interested in running business after the utility networks and roads are completed.
The sewerage system will lead off the sewage through the premises of the industrial zone “Cihelna”, its facilities and operations to the new planned sewerage. The water piping will also undergo a reconstruction and new house connections will be completed, too. After reconstruction of the bridge, the water pipeline will overpass the local brook in a steel protection and will be heat-insulated. Thanks to the water pipeline reconstruction, the water pressure in the connected buildings will increase, improving hereby the housing standard of the dwellers. The original water pipeline built in years 1932 to 1936 is in a considerably failure state and could not comply with the increased demands for its use.