Because the original road had in one section two two-way bends of an insufficient radius in the past there were several serious road accidents. The constructional arrangement and the road itself were in a very bad condition, so the investor decided to carry out the relaying to remedy the situation.
The construction was executed mainly with the exclusion of the traffic, which was temporarily diverted. In November last year the 1st stage of the construction was completed – the road was taken over by the investor without the surface course for early usage. This spring HOCHTIEF CZ completed the construction and handed it over including the accompanying construction objects.
The new part of the road is 0,62 kilometers long and 375 meters of it lead through a cut (the deepest part of the cut is 5,14 meters). It was necessary to construct an embankment 4,5 meters high and 245 meters long. Alongside its edges the steel crash barriers are placed demarcating the road of 7,5 meters width including the shoulders. The road has two three-meter lanes.
The structure of the road consists of 18 cm of partially crushed gravel, 18 cm of vibrated gravel, infiltration coating, joining coating, 6 cm of very coarse bituminous concrete and 4 cm mastic asphalt carpet. The new part of the road in Vyšší Brod thus fully complies with the high requirements for the modern European roads.
The construction was co-financed by the European Union within the Joint Regional Operational Program.