The investor has commenced the preparatory works on the first part of the project already in 2003, when the city had approved the intention to build a winter stadium within the multi-purpose sports complex. Česká Třebová will thus in the future have a soccer field with an athletics track and a sports hall in one place. The project of the 1st stage of the Winter Stadium in the total volume of 59 mil. CZK, is financed in the portion of 6.75 mil. CZK from the State Budget and the remaining amount is financed from the budget of Česká Třebová.
After the issuing of the land decision, subsequent issuing of construction permit in 2005 and after the geological survey, the construction works commenced last July. The first stage of the project will now be handed over and will fully correspond to the demands of public skaters.
A playfield sized 58 x 28m, corresponding with IIHF standards, is arched by steel welded frame construction with the span of 37.4 m. Roof is of sandwich type made of trapeze galvanized and plastic covered sheets. The total length of the hall is 60 m and the height is 10 m. The capacity upon completion will be 600 seated spectators. Object is fully accessible to immobile visitors. Regular operation of the winter stadium for the public commences from the moment of its handover by the general contractor