In the place of the old boiler house there will be a new object constructed for placing the boiler on a reinforced concrete foundation slab based by reinforced concrete piles down to the depth of approximately 7 m. The object will have a steel structure with panel trusses and supporting components for the roof facade. The roof will be made of corrugated sheet metal. The light peripheral façade will be made of metal profiles filled with mineral felt and completed by sandwich panels when needed. The partitions and beam fillings will be of classical bricks.
The boiler house’s structural attachment, where the compression station, engine room, containers for coal and limestone and coal feeding area will be placed, will be erected next to it.
Another new object will be the attachment for turbogenerator situated on the northern side of the boiler house and the attachment for air condensation. The object for treatment of combustion products and forced draft will be new as well. Three cylindrical standing steel silos for storing fly ash and an object with transformer and cable area are parts of the project too.
Construction of a ring road of concrete and bitumen is intended in the heating plant premises. Prior to the work commencement it was necessary to construct new relaying of all services (steam pipe, water pipeline, sewerage, high and low tension and weak current services).