Plav, Water treatment plant in the Southern Bohemia Water Supply System

The Water Supply System in Southern Bohemia has been gradually approaching to the European Union standards. A part of this programme is formed also by renovation of the sludge management system of the Plav water treatment plant and assurance of water quality during its transport by long-distance water mains to end consumers.


Location: Plav
Investor: Jihočeský vodárenský svaz (Water Supply Association of Southern Bohemia)
Realization: HOCHTIEF CZ a. s., Division Bohemia
Type: Reconstruction
Construction time: 10/2005 - 06/2007
Main indicators:  
Description: The aim of the upgrading work on the sludge management system of the water treatment plant is to ensure the technological process for dewatering of sludge arising during drinking water production for the Water Supply System of Southern Bohemia and its secondary use. The use of the area of the former boiler house which is currently out of operation has been suggested for this technology.

After removal of the existing boiler house technology and demolition of a part of the bearing ceiling above the basement, there will arise free space for installation of the technological equipment and interconnection pipelines. The remaining part of the ceiling will be used for installation of the new technological platform for a filter press and sludge container. The renovation work will be also connected with the demolition of all existing reinforced-concrete foundations after the original technology. Pumps, two thickening tanks and three homogenisation tanks will be installed on the newly made reinforced-concrete foundations. The technologies include also the delivery of new power distribution systems.

The upgrades should contribute to the assurance of drinking water quality in the Southern Bohemia Water Supply System in the sections of water towers Zdoba - Malá Varta - Sudoměřice u Bechyně - Hodušín. The upgrades are designed with the use of the trenchless technology of refurbishment of the inner surface of the existing long-distance steel water mains DN 300 and DN 400 in a total length of 42.4 km. The refurbishment technology used is pipeline cementation carried out in a length of 35.8 km and a high-pressure fabric sleeve carried out in a length of 6.6 km. The upgrade work on the long-distance mains will include building and technological treatments of 72 valve chambers, a twin-arm sag pipe under the Lužnice river and a treble-arm sag pipe under the Vltava river.