D3 Highway, Section Žilina (Strážov) – Žilina (Brodno)


Žilina, Slovakia


Národná diaľničná spoločnosť (NDS)


HOCHTIEF CZ, Division Traffic Infrastructure (in JV with EUROVIA SK and SMS)

Building type:

Traffic infrastructure

Construction period:

05/2014 - 06/2017


New construction of the Highway D3 in Slovakia, specifically the section  Žilina (Strážov) – Žilina (Brodno) km 6 850 – 11 100 (overall length  4 250 metrů), containing a total of 127 object - road surfaces, tunels, bridges, sewerages, relaying of buried services, adjustment of affected lower class roads, recultivation of site installations.

The above mentioned section will contains 2,2 km long tunnel Považský Chlmec. It will also include three bridges of a total length of  3,87 km, of which will be one complex  1,4 km long Hričovská Dam. The new section will be connected to the road netword via two flyover crossroads Strážov and Brodno.